Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It doesn't work.

I can't stop loving you. I listen as the sun sets heavily on my soul. Veiling the love that once prevailed. When will it rise again? Shadows burn holes into dripping eyes. Darkness tears through deadened veins. Hollow and empty. Love once alive, lies torn and defeated. Masked with a smile soiled in despair. I can't stop loving you.

I probably don't deserve my ex girlfriend back after what I did. But she is my everything and I wish she would come back to me. Every day goes by filled with thoughts of her. How we were. The good days. They're gone. What can I do but move on? I have but it doesn't work. I can never hate you, I just wish you loved me as much as I love you.


  1. if she meant to be with you, then, nothing is to be worry, dude..
    don't stop hoping and trying.
    but if, by letting her go make her smile, i think you should relief then.
    after all, love mean sacrifice, not being selfish. (:
    pray for you dude.

  2. my dear razzy. kita xkan pernah satisfy benda yg ade dpn mata. kita xtau pn yg sbnrnye dpn mata dh ade. but we still ignored them. bile da melps,br nk menyesal. but razzy,we have to move on. move with ur own life. if xde jodoh,just pray for her to be with someone better. maybe u guys not meant for each other. but if u guys do,dun stop praying. and lets faith decide. ade jodoh xkemana ;)
